
Dr. Hill is the definition of community within a school setting. When I first had the pleasure of working with Dr. Hill as her Assistant Principal, I was amazed at the interaction and relationships that she had established with her parents. She dedicated planning and preparation monthly for parental engagement activities. Parental Involvement was evident as a priority within her leadership skills. I was accustomed to coming from a district where 3 or 4 parental activities were held for the school year. Dr. Hill held that amount each month of the school year. I've watched her help parents go back to school, and find a job, all while helping parents understand the importance of being involved in their children's education. During staff meetings, teachers understood the assignment of developing ongoing relationships with all parents. Her theory remains, "If we help the parent, we help the child.
Jillian D.
Dr. Hill is a fantastic facilitator. She created workshops that were geared toward the parents and the children. Often to help parents to get further along or to better themselves. I remember an organizational and life skills seminar. Each parent shared their ideas. She encouraged us to set goals and go after them even while our children were small. We also had a couponing and bargaining session where we were given tips to help us save money. She even taught us how to understand the results of our children's standardized assessments and to check the scores each year to ensure our child is progressing.
Deirdre H.
During Dr. Hill's parent workshops, there was a sense of belonging and togetherness, one big bonding family. It left feelings of strength & empowerment as a single mom, hearing that "you can do it." I always happily looked forward to participating. In the beginning, I was hoping to win one of the great raffle prizes. Afterward, it didn't matter because I was gifted with wisdom, knowledge, and a thorough understanding on being the best parent to my children. Plus, we received a book at every meeting that built an extensive home library for my child. Coming out to most workshops meant delicious dinners served for my children & me. We sat and ate while being fed information and various resources. To name a few, Budgeting and Couponing/ Legal Assistance/ Mental Health/ Reading Readiness/Employment Opportunities/ Resume Writing/ Movie Night/ A Healthier You/Women's Workout, and Food Giveaways. Lastly, with as many families packed the place out, it was so amazingly astonishing how Dr. Hill knew everyone by name. The most significant benefit was independence with replenished self-worth for me. It enabled me to be released from anxiety and deep depression and back into the world of being a working woman, not relying monthly on government assistance.
Sevina N.
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